
ac maintenance

AC Maintenance: The Benefits and Dangers of Humidity in Your Brookeland, TX Home

February may be the most humid month in Brookeland, Texas, with an average of 83% humidity. But as a resident of East Texas, you know the humidity feels the worst in the summertime. Humidity has benefits like relieving eye irritation and soothing stopped-up noses. Yet, too much moisture can make…

walk-in freezer

How to Easily Maintain Your Commercial Walk-In Freezer for Your Kirbyville, TX Business

Commercial freezers are used to store fresh and cooked food as well as beverages. They are a central component of various businesses, from restaurants, coffee houses, breweries, and hotels to nursing homes and hospitals. When a walk-in freezer fails to operate as it should, it could mean…

types of air conditioners

Types of Air Conditioners: Find Out Which Is Best for Your Home in Woodville, TX

Did you know that Texas will experience higher and higher temperatures over time? Deciding on the perfect air conditioner for your home in Woodville, TX, can be a difficult chore. This is especially if you're not up to speed on the different types of air conditioners available. Each kind of AC unit…

fridge repair service

5 Tips for Finding the Best Local Fridge Repair Service in Newton, TX

Recent studies have found that the average American spends $1,300 each year on food that they waste. In many cases, food spoils before we can get to it, or it gets lost in the back of the fridge. However, a faulty refrigerator doesn't help. You may end up tossing products that you planned to use if…

refrigerator maintenance mistakes

5 Refrigerator Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid for Jasper, TX Homeowners

Did you know that the first modern refrigerators were non-electric icehouses that date back to the early 1800s? While refrigerator technology has come a long way, that doesn't mean it always works without a hitch. If you don't properly maintain your fridge, then it could end up kicking the bucket…

Winter HVAC Maintenance

A Winter HVAC Maintenance Guide for Homeowners in Jasper, TX

Your furnace might be one of the most unnoticed features of your home. That is until you wake up on the coldest winter morning and there's no heat in your house.  How does your furnace know when it's the coldest and when an HVAC repair will be the most challenging? While this issue is undoubtedly…

Walk-in Cooler

How to Maintain Your Commercial Walk-in Cooler in Brookeland, TX

A commercial walk-in cooler is important for your business to keep products under temperature control. They're sturdy, reliable, and able to keep a large number of items chilled. But do you know how to maintain your cooler properly all year round so that it doesn't spoil your products? In this…

AC repair

3 Reasons to Hire an AC Repair Service in Jasper, TX

Jasper, TX, is one of the most comfortable places in Texas to live. Its average summer high of 92.5°F makes it cooler than most places in the state. The winters are also mild, with 0 inches of snowfall on average. Now that we're entering winter, it's a great time to schedule AC repair. \ The…

commercial refrigeration services

5 Tips for Hiring Commercial Refrigeration Services in Brookeland, TX

Did you know that cavemen put their mammoth meat in shallow ponds that contained bacteria which helped extend the expiration date of the food? Our ancestors had many great ways to save their food and other goods before the invention of refrigeration options, but nothing beats modern technology.…

furnace repair

Is It Time for Furnace Repair? 5 Signs and Symptoms | Brookeland, TX

Did you know that furnaces are one of the most popular ways that Americans heat their homes? Furnaces may be powerful and last for many years, but every homeowner must understand that there will be plenty of maintenance and repairs over the years to keep everything running smoothly. Have you ever…